N e w s   &   J o u r n a l



Friday, May 12, 2006
As you may have noticed, the band laid low during April whilst Cap went on walkabout and the rest of us did our own th'ang. Todd played a solo set at Walden's, but that's about it for BP-related music news in April.

However, we've got TONS of stuff coming up in the next few weeks! This weekend we'll be performing back-to-back shows, starting with an acoustic set at Walden's on Saturday evening at 9pm (05/13/06) as part of the Musician's Showcase (also featuring Big Tsunami & Madeline Roa starting at 7pm).

Then on Sunday (05/14/06) we'll be playing the closing show of the Third Annual Reno River Festival at 2:00pm on the Wingfield Park Amphitheater stage in downtown Reno. It's going to be a blast! It also happens to be Mother's Day, so why not bring your mom down to the park for some music? We promise we'll say HI MOM! We had a really great time playing last year's festival and this year proves to be even more fun!

Coming up after that show will be our return to the Nevada Museum of Art on June 1st at 5pm for "First Thursday", sponsored by KTHX 100.1 FM, Great Basin Brewery, and various local merchants. $10/$8 seniors and students/$2 Kids Open Art Studio. Free for NMA members. With any luck we'll get to play on the roof!

Then after that we move on to our big summer festival-type events, including the Pig Rock jam and the July Bailie BBQ. At some point this summer we're planning on heading back to Comma Coffee in Carson, and then in September we're going to help superfan Bev celebrate her birthday. Wooooooohoooooooo! And I'm sure in between all that we'll play at our favorite coffeehouse. SEE YOU THERE!

posted by Todd 5/12/2006 03:00:00 PM

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