N e w s   &   J o u r n a l



Friday, November 18, 2005
Hey folks, Burning Peace is the Featured Performer at Walden's Coffeehouse TONIGHT! We're on at 9pm following open mic, and this will likely be our only appearance prior to the big NEW YEAR'S EVE party. Speaking of which, you're all invited to our family-friendly New Year's Eve at Walden's Coffeehouse. We'll be joined on stage by some of our favorite folks, including James Cavanaugh & Company, and All About Me. YOWZA! All Walden's shows are free to the public, family-friendly and all-ages. 3940 Mayberry Drive, Reno, Nevada. 775-787-3307

I've been remiss in sending out updates lately, so here's the report on our two most recent shows:

I (Todd) was scheduled to perform solo at Walden's on September 24, but Cap, Lenny and Joe were able to join me at the last minute and make it a Burning Peace set! It felt really good to have all four of us back on on-stage together. The evening was made even groovier by the fact we got to share it with our good friends All About Me.

Neither I nor Burning Peace were scheduled to play in October, but y'know things have a way of happening. At the October 29th Musician's Showcase the scheduled second act (XE LA) was a no-show by the end of the first set, and the third act (James Cavanaugh & Company) wasn't yet in the house. As fate would have it, Cap Stapp and Lenny Supera just happened to drop in (without realizing either would be there) to say hi and hang out. Realizing that Walden's suddenly had an hour to fill and we had 3/4 of my own band available, I drove home FAST and picked up a djembe and a couple guitars for an impromptu Burning Peace set!

I gave Joe a call to see if he wanted to join us, but he was in the middle of a Halloween party (apparently dressed in fake fur and a Speedo ... film at 11). One fun side note to all this: as I walked in with the instruments, I found that my son Zach had picked up my bass guitar and was filling time by leading everyone in a sing-along of the song 'Stand By Me'. That's my boy! :)

We had a great time at those shows thanks to all of you groov-o-licious folks who help keep the music alive and full of fun. Special thanks to everyone for your warm thoughts and well wishes during Cap's recent adventures with the health care system. He's feeling a lot better and says THANK YOU to everyone for all the support. He also says he wants to SEE YOU AT WALDEN'S TONIGHT!

So, um, don't disappoint him, OK? :)

posted by Todd 11/18/2005 02:30:00 AM

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