Thursday, September 22, 2005
Cap is doing better (and sends thanks to everyone for all the well wishes), but we knew he wasn't going to be able to join us on September 1st for First Thursday at the Nevada Museum of Art. However, poor Joe caught some super nasty bug on Wednesday and had to bow out, leaving me and Lenny to uphold the honor of Burning Peace as a duo. And that we did ... ON THE ROOF! Lots of folks came out to share some beautiful weather with us, and we received plenty of accolades and well wishes from new fans. We even sold a couple CD's. Wooooooohoooooooooooo! Thanks to KTHX 100.1FM and the rest of the sponsors for making this great event possible. Hopefully we'll be able to play the museum with a full strength set in 2006!
I'll be performing solo at Walden's this Saturday (09/24/05) opening for All About Me. I'm not sure what I'm going to play, or if anyone is going to join me on stage, but I'll try my best to start the evening off right. It's strange performing as "Todd South" after nearly four years with the best band I've ever known!
Speaking of gigs, we do have one more Burning Peace show scheduled for this year. Weather permitting (fingers crossed), we'll be hosting a family-friendly New Year's Eve party at Walden's Coffeehouse on, well, New Year's Eve! The current schedule has us sharing the stage with All About Me, James Cavanaugh & Company, and The Kimberly Trip (assuming TKT can make it over the hill from Sacramento). What a night that's going to be! Makes me almost want to skip past my traditional favorite (Halloween) and get right to bidness! :)
Stay tuned for progress reports on the recording project(s). Thanks as always for your continued love and support!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Thanks to everyone who came and shared the evening with us last Saturday at Walden's Coffeehouse. We had a blast! The Kimberly Trip performed some old favorites along with cuts from their brand new album. GREAT CD, guys!
Burning Peace performed a couple covers, a brand new song, several original favorites, and even a couple tunes from the "old songs vault", requested by die-hard fans who like to watch us sweat while attempting to remember our own material. You KNOW who you are. We luv ya!
It was nice to see so many familiar faces, as well as meeting several new friends. Special thanks to Kent Miura for literally sitting in with us and beating on his box. :) No one on this great green Earth can replace Cap, but Kent will always be our choice for Most Valuable Guest Performer.
BTW, speaking of our insanely great drummer, Cap would like to thank everyone for all the love and support. Things are looking quite positive and although he's got months of treatment ahead, overall he's feeling much better. He's looking forward to getting some studio work done, and wants everyone to know that the full powered Burning Peace WILL be back with a new CD and new shows planned for 2006!