N e w s   &   J o u r n a l



Thursday, May 26, 2005
Hey, who knew we had SO many fans willing to travel with us? WOW! Last Friday, we and several of our friends from Reno and Carson City, visited the charming Pangaea Café & Pub located in the small mountain community of Quincy, California. If I say so myself, we ROCKED THE HIZZY! Word.

Super special thanks to Susan and all her friendly staff for hosting us, and of course thanks to all the new friends we made in the land of tall trees. We had a great time!

Speaking of travel, this weekend is the BURNING PEACE & FRIENDS DESERT JAM & CAMPOUT, nestled in the canyon among the caves at Pig Rock. After that we're taking a break for a week ... whew!

posted by Todd 5/26/2005 07:30:00 PM

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Honestly, we've been playing so much these past few weeks, I really do feel like we're on tour. Can disparate weekends count as a tour? :)

Last week's show at the Reno River Festival was AWESOME! STUPENDOUS! SUPER NIFTY KEEN! And stuff. We even got some pretty decent home video of our set, so BOO YA!

Thanks to everyone who came down and shared the morning with us. The weather was beautiful, the crowd was large, and the sound techs were a joy to work with. Thanks to Mark & Sean for making us sound so great! It's fun to play on a big stage with big sound to a crowd that makes you feel like a rock star.

So, THIS FRIDAY (05/20/05) we're heading out to Quincy, California, because we've heard that the Pangaea Cafe & Pub is one of the best venues around! We'd love to see some friends from the Reno area out there with us, and as a special incentive I've got some Burning Peace t-shirts I'd be happy to give to our die-hard road-trippin' fans.

So, if you drive more than 20 minutes to see us in Quincy, pay the $5 cover charge, and hoot n' holler and enjoy yourself, you'll go home with a free t-shirt. SUCH A DEAL!

cya there

posted by Todd 5/17/2005 02:57:00 AM

Friday, May 13, 2005

Just a quick reminder that BURNING PEACE will be kicking off
Saturday's festivities on the Wingfield Park stage (downtown
Reno) at the 2005 RENO RIVER FESTIVAL this Saturday, May 14th,
at 10:00am.

Wait a minute ...TEN O'CLOCK? In the MORNING?
Hey, you've GOT to come down to the park, if for no other
reason than to see if Lenny and I can actually get conscious
and sing rock 'n roll at that UNGODLY HOUR!

Ah, and before I forget, we'd like to extend kudos, thanks,
and heartfelt gratitude to Theresa, Kate, Andrew, Steve and
everyone who made our performance at their gala event on the 7th SO MUCH
See you next year? :)

posted by Todd 5/13/2005 02:55:00 PM

Tuesday, May 03, 2005
It's 05/05/05 and that means ... absolutely nothing. Other than it's quite possibly the most numerologically titilating Cinco de Mayo ever. Well, at least since 1905. And boy, what a party they had THAT year! Woooo!
(Disclaimer: the preceeding paragraph is further proof that I should never be allowed to write anything without adult supervision.)

We had a good time at Comma Coffee last week. Thanks to everyone who joined us for the evening, including a super special thank you to Superfan Bev for driving all the way from Reno, the whole South & Dekoekkoek contingent (some of whom came in from San Francisco), and June for having us back at her fine & funky establishment. For those of you who like to plan way ahead, we'll be back at the Comma on August 13th. Mark your calendars!

posted by Todd 5/03/2005 12:36:00 PM

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