N e w s   &   J o u r n a l



Friday, August 08, 2003
We had a great time at our Walden's showcase gig last Friday (080103), and what a great audience. You people are the best! We sold a few copies of the new album, which is now available in a remastered format that is, frankly, a much better listen than the edition we rushed out for the release party on June 22nd. If you purchased a copy of the album in June or July and would like to exchange it for the final mix, just bring your disc down to Walden's during a showcase or open mic (I'm almost always there on Friday & Saturday nights) and we'll gladly replace it for you!

The only bad thing about last Friday's show was the heat: it was hot, humid, muggy, and rainy. Due to the weather we ended up indoors, and I thought poor Cap was going to melt behind his drums. Yikes! Nevertheless, we played a good show and folks really seemed to enjoy themselves. Can't complain with that! Actually, there was one other bad thing. Someone walked off with my Burning Peace cap! I'd love to have it back, but if I never see it again (which seems likely), I just hope that its new owner is a true Burning Peace fan. :)

Our next showcase at Walden's will be on September 5th with Spirit Wind. Prior to that we'll be hosting the open mic as usual, and of course we're doing THE CAVES on Labor Day Weekend. See you at open mic!

posted by Todd 8/08/2003 03:38:00 PM

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